Lessing Doris May " Little Dorrit" (EN) — Ripple from the Storm

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Ripple from the Storm
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Ripple from the Storm - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lessing Doris May " Little Dorrit" (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

The third book in the Nobel Prize for Literature winner's 'Children of Violence' series tracing the life of Martha Quest from her childhood in colonial Africa to old age in post-nuclear Britain.'"The personal life of a comrade would be arranged so that it interferes as little as possible with work," he said. Martha had not imagined that the "personal talk" with Anton would arise like an item on an agenda; she now felt frivolous because she had been looking forward to something different ...'The 'Children of Violence' series established Doris Lessing as a major radical writer. In this third volume, Martha, now free of her stultifying marriage to Douglas, is able to pursue the independent life she has wanted for so long. Her deepening involvement with South African revolutionary politics draws her into a world of fierce commitments and passionate idealism. A time of great change, Martha's young womanhood brings not only immense happiness when she embarks on an affair with a fellow party member, but also great sorrow - for the pain of abandoning Caroline, her baby daughter, left at home with Douglas, never diminishes ...

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Ripple from the Storm - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Lessing Doris May " Little Dorrit" (EN)

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