Houck Max M. (EN) — Fundamentals of Forensic Science

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Fundamentals of Forensic Science
Язык книги: Английский
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Fundamentals of Forensic Science - описание и краткое содержание, автор Houck Max M. (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

Unlike other introductory textbooks on the topic, Fundamentals of Forensic Science presents a complete look at the forensic sciences, emphasizing the biology, chemistry, and physical sciences that underpin forensic science. By covering the principles that are central to forensic science, and by discussing topics that are typically excluded from generalized discussions of "criminalistics, this book provides a depth and breadth of information that no other textbook contains. Written by two of the leading experts in forensic science today, Fundamentals of Forensic Science approaches the field from a truly unique and exciting perspective.Ranging from traditional topics such as crime scene investigation, spectroscopy, and DNA analysis, to the less-commonly covered --but just as essential-- topics of pathology, entomology, and anthropology, Fundamentals of Forensic Science is everything a student or practicing professional needs. Organized along the timeline of a real case, it begins with an introduction and history of forensic science, covers the basic methods of analysis used in most forensic examinations, addresses the biological, chemical, and physical elements relevant to the field, and concludes with an examination of how forensic science intersects with the law.- Vivid, full-color illustrations that diagram key concepts and depict evidence encountered in the field- Straightforward unit organization that includes key terms, numerous feature boxes emphasizing resources on the World Wide Web, historical events in forensic science, practical issues in laboratory analysis, and topics for further reading- Effective pedagogy -including end-of-chapter questions- paired with a clear writing style makes this an invaluable resource for professors and students of forensic science

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Fundamentals of Forensic Science - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Houck Max M. (EN)

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