Fanchi John (EN) — Integrated Reservoir Asset Management

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Integrated Reservoir Asset Management
Язык книги: Английский
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Integrated Reservoir Asset Management краткое содержание

Integrated Reservoir Asset Management - описание и краткое содержание, автор Fanchi John (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

All too often, senior reservoir managers have found that their junior staff lack an adequate understanding of reservoir management techniques and best practices needed to optimize the development of oil and gas fields. Written by an expert professional/educator, Integrated Reservoir Asset Management introduces the reader to the processes and modeling paradigms needed to develop the skills to increase reservoir output and profitability and decrease guesswork. One of the only references to recognize the technical diversity of modern reservoir management teams, Fanchi seamlessly brings together concepts and terminology, creating an interdisciplinary approach for solving everyday problems. The book starts with an overview of reservoir management, fluids, geological principles used to characterization, and two key reservoir parameters (porosity and permeability). This is followed by an uncomplicated review of multi-phase fluid flow equations, an overview of the reservoir flow modeling process and fluid displacement concepts. All exercises and case studies are based on the authors 30 years of experience and appear at the conclusion of each chapter with hints in addition of full solutions. In addition, the book will be accompanied by a website featuring supplementary case studies and modeling exercises which is supported by an author generated computer program. Straightforward methods for characterizing subsurface environmentsEffortlessly gain and understanding of rock-fluid interaction relationships An uncomplicated overview of both engineering and scientific processesExercises at the end of each chapter to demonstrate correct applicationModeling tools and additional exercise are included on a companion website

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Integrated Reservoir Asset Management - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Fanchi John (EN)

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