Cerra Cheli (EN) — Parent Talk!

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Parent Talk!
Язык книги: Английский
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Parent Talk! краткое содержание

Parent Talk! - описание и краткое содержание, автор Cerra Cheli (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

A must-have book for all parents! Parent Talk! provides practical advice to help parents communicate with their child and their child's school, featuring an easy, fast-moving format with sample role-playing situations, parent-to-parent tips, sample letters, and checklists to help you stay on track. Authors Cheli Cerra and Ruth Jacoby identify 52 common school situations and offer expert guidance based on their experiences as parents and school principals. Do you want to: * Be comfortable when speaking with your child's teacher? * Know exactly what to do if your child is failing? * Know exactly what to say at parent conferences? * Learn how to deal with a variety of school issues? If you answered yes, then Parent Talk! is the book you need. Never be at a loss for words again with the teacher, the school administrator, or your child! "Cheli Cerra and Ruth Jacoby have written what is arguably the most comprehensive guide for parents in education today. Conscientious parents across the board will benefit from their wise perspective, gained from a combined fifty-plus years on the front line in education. Parent Talk! helps put parents back into the schools with confidence!" --Carolina Fernandez Author of ROCKET MOM!: 7 Strategies to Blast You into Brilliance

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Parent Talk! - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Cerra Cheli (EN)

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