Budz Mark (EN) — Crache

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Crache краткое содержание

Crache - описание и краткое содержание, автор Budz Mark (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

When the ecotecture starts to degrade on the asteroid of Mymerciakilling a workgroup on the surfaceFola Hanani miraculously survives. A former missionary, shes hacked a living out of a gengineered ecology built after the Armageddon of overheating, overpopulation, over-everything. Now she has to find out whats causing a catastrophic biosystem failure before everyone else on Mymercia is killed. Meanwhile, onworld, in a trailer park of migrant workers, a washed-out one-hit wonder named L. Mariachi plays the guitar for a community suffering from a contagious form of soul loss. Its a song that Folas implanted IAinformation agentthinks she needs to hear. Because what is happening to these lost souls is spreading at quantum speed to everyone else. Something or someone is trying to reprogram the system with the ultimate virus. And as virtuality becomes reality in this post-ecocaust world of plug-in sex components, old-world medicine women, and the cheesiest pop culture, humanity itself is about to crash....From the Paperback edition.

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Crache - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Budz Mark (EN)

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