Pratt T.A. (EN) — Blood Engines

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Blood Engines
Язык книги: Английский
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Blood Engines краткое содержание

Blood Engines - описание и краткое содержание, автор Pratt T.A. (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

Meet Marla Masonsmart, saucy, slightly wicked witch of the East Coast.Sorcerer Marla Mason, small-time guardian of the city of Felport, has a big problem. A rival is preparing a powerful spell that could end Marlas lifeand, even worse, wreck her city. Marlas only chance of survival is to boost her powers with the Cornerstone, a magical artifact hidden somewhere in San Francisco. But when she arrives there, Marla finds that the quest isnt going to be quite as cut-and-dried as she expectedand that some of the people she needs to talk to are dead. It seems that San Franciscos top sorcerers are having troubles of their owna mysterious assailant has the citys magical community in a panic, and the local talent is being (gruesomely) picked off one by one.With her partner-in-crime, Rondeau, Marla is soon racing against time through San Franciscos alien streets, dodging poisonous frogs, murderous hummingbirds, cannibals, and a nasty vibe from the local witchery, who suspect that Marla herself may be behind the recent murders. And if Marla doesnt figure out who is killing the citys finest in time, shell be in danger of becoming a magical statistic herself.From the Paperback edition.

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Blood Engines - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Pratt T.A. (EN)

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