Тут можно читать онлайн книгу Kurpinski Kyle (EN) - How to Defeat Your Own Clone - бесплатно полную версию (целиком). Жанр книги: Иностранная литература. Вы можете прочесть полную версию (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и смс на сайте Lib-King.Ru (Либ-Кинг) или прочитать краткое содержание, аннотацию (предисловие), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами (комментариями) о произведении.
How to Defeat Your Own Clone - описание и краткое содержание, автор Kurpinski Kyle (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.
Send in the clones! On second thought, maybe not.CAN IT READ MY MIND?WILL IT BE EVIL?HOW DO I STOP IT?Find out the answers to these and other burning questions in this funny, informative, and ingenious book from two bioengineering experts who show you how to surviveand thrivein a new age of truly weird science.For decades, science fiction has been alerting us to the wonders and perils of our biotech futurefrom the prospects of gene therapy to the pitfalls of biological warfare. Now that future looms before us. Don't panic! This book is all you need to prepare for the new world that awaits us, providing indispensable cautionary advice on topics such as*; bioenhancements: They're not just for cyborgs anymore. *; DNA sequencing and fingerprinting: What's scarier than the government having your DNA on file? Try having it posted on the Internet.*; human cloning: Just like you, only stronger, smarter, and more attractive. In other words: more dangerous. Our future may be populated by designer babies, genetically enhanced supersoldiers, and one (or more!) of your genetic duplicates, but all is not lost. How to Defeat Your Own Clone is the ultimate survival guide to what lies ahead. Just remember the first rule of engagement: Don't ever let your clone read this book!From the Trade Paperback edition.
How to Defeat Your Own Clone - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Kurpinski Kyle (EN)