Birney Betty G. (EN) — Humphrey's Tiny Tales 2: My Summer Fair Surprise!

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Humphrey's Tiny Tales 2: My Summer Fair Surprise!
Язык книги: Английский
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Humphrey's Tiny Tales 2: My Summer Fair Surprise! - описание и краткое содержание, автор Birney Betty G. (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

Dear friends,I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE sharing my adventures as a classroom hamster with all my friends. But sometimes my paw gets tired from so much writing!To give it a rest, I've written some shorter tales that are every bit as funny and exciting as my According to Humphrey books. They're called Humphrey's Tiny Tales and they've even got illustrations! (I'm quite pleased at how cute I look in the pictures.) I'm unsqueakably excited to share my new stories with you and I think Humphrey fans and new younger readers will be excited, too!Your furry friend,HumphreyMy Summer Fair Surprise!As the Longfellow School Summer Fair approached, all my classmates in Room 26 could talk about were the game stalls, the crafts, the yummy food and FUN-FUN-FUN to come!When my friends decided to include Og the frog and me, I was unsqueakably happy. Who could have guessed that my hamster ball would spin out of control, turning the Summer Fair into one of my most fur-raising adventures ever!

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Humphrey's Tiny Tales 2: My Summer Fair Surprise! - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Birney Betty G. (EN)

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