Viagas Belinda (EN) — Detox: The Lazy Person's Guide!

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Detox: The Lazy Person's Guide!
Язык книги: Английский
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Detox: The Lazy Person's Guide! - описание и краткое содержание, автор Viagas Belinda (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

Based on the simple principle of detoxification as a means of cleansing your system, the dynamic, natural techniques in Detox: The Lazy Person's Guide! will give you a fitter body, a clearer mind and higher spirits.Author Belinda Viagas offers the simplest of rules to guide your detox, tailor-made to your individual needs, telling you what to eat, how to prepare it, and what to avoid. A series of easy exercises will further boost your circulation and stimulate your immune system.The Lazy Person's Guide! is a series of popular, cheerful yet thoroughly grounded, practical and authoritative books on various health issues and conditions. Other titles in the series include Beating Overeating, Exercise, Improving Your Memory, Midlife, Quitting Smoking, Self-esteem and Stress. Other books by Belinda Viagas include the Detox Diet Book, Natural Healthcare for Women and The Pocket AZ of Natural Healthcare.Detox: A Lazy Person's Guide!: Table of ContentsIntroductionWhy Detox?Food as MedicineThe Effects of StressDiet and StressThe BenefitsHow to DetoxWorking with FoodsAdding HerbsFollowing the SeasonsGetting StartedTargeting Your DetoxPreparation mealsYour Detox PlansOne-Day DetoxTwo-Day DetoxFour-Day DetoxWeek-long DetoxThe Original Detox DietRecipesSalad DressingsSaladsSoupsSweet ThingsCooked MealsBack-up InformationCleansing TechniquesBrushing WellDry Skin BrushingMassageExerciseHydrotherapyClearing Your MindAffirmationsVisualisationsMeditationNo Time to DetoxDetox Your LifeA Personal AuditPractical StepsNew ThingsResources and Reading GuideFurther ReadingFinding a PractitionerContacts

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