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Hanna Segal is one of the best-known living British psychoanalysts. She was one of the first European psychoanalysts to receive the prestigious Sigourney Award for contributions to psychoanalysis. Her first two books on Melanie Klein are classic texts and she is one of the most influential figures within the British Psychoanalytical Society. Her substantial body of work embraces a large number of published papers and five books. She has made seminal contributions to the understanding of psychosis, the theory of symbolism, aesthetics, literature and politics.Reason and Passion is compiled in honour of Hanna Segal, with papers by a group of internationally renowned psychoanalysts reflecting numerous aspects of her clinical and theoretical work. Set in the context of a biographical introduction by the editor, each paper makes a personal contribution to furthering the theoretical and clinical ideas in her thinking. These ideas have been widely influential in the work of the Tavistock Clinic and thereby in the whole field of mental health.This is the first of two volumes in the Tavistock Clinic Series examining her clinical and theoretical work.
Reason and Passion - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор