— Handbook of Ethical Educational Leadership

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Handbook of Ethical Educational Leadership
Язык книги: Английский
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The Handbook of Ethical Educational Leadership brings together an array of key authors to provide comprehensive coverage of the field of ethical educational leadership. This important volume describes contemporary educational issues that necessitate the practice of ethical leadership, reviews current theory and research-informed practices, and also explores a coherent framework for how ethical educational leadership can be achieved. With chapters from leading authors and researchers from around the world, each author contributes to a discussion of current thinking and an analysis of the field of ethical educational leadership. Coverage includes professionalism, educational purpose, social justice, multiculturalism, sustainability, empathy and caring, organizational culture, moral development, motivation, integrity, values, and decision-making. Providing practical, philosophical, and experiential insights into the field, The Handbook of Ethical Educational Leadership is an essential resource for the study of ethical leadership.

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