— Hong Kong in Transition

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Hong Kong in Transition
Язык книги: Английский
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Hong Kong in Transition offers a perspective on the exceptional constitutional and administrative experiment that has been taking place in Hong Kong, based on a substantial period under Chinese rule. There have been both successes and failures, and a perceptible process of change which is important to document.The particular appeal of this volume lies in the fact that it combines a broad overview with detailed study of individual topics. It is multidisciplinary, and its chapters may be read as 'stand-alone' studies or taken as complementary parts of a whole snapshot of Hong Kong in this critical early period. The chapters are pitched at a level to make them accessible both to undergraduates and to the specialist. Contributors have been drawn from Hong Kong, Macau, the UK, the US, Australia and Germany, reflecting the international interest in the fate of Hong Kong.

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