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MAN OF THE MONTHMR. FEBRUARY The eager groom: Travis Kane, former heartbreaker of the county The very reluctant bride: Megan O'Brien, hardest-working woman in Texas The too-good-to-be-true proposal: Marry him, and save the ranch The only thing stopping Travis Kane from getting what he wanted was Megan's stubborn pride.Although he'd loved her since the day he first pulled her pigtails in the schoolyard, Megan had resisted him at every turn! Heck, she didn't even want his help in rescuing the family homestead. Well, this cowboy never met a challenge he didn't like. Because once Megan walked down the aisle, Travis wouldn't let her get away... .MAN OF THE MONTH: He's finally tying the knot - and marrying a DAUGHTER OF TEXAS!
Megan's Marriage (Mills & Boon Vintage Desire) - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Broadrick Annette (EN)