FitzGerald Jennifer (EN) — Helen Waddell and Maude Clarke

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Helen Waddell and Maude Clarke
Язык книги: Английский
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Helen Waddell and Maude Clarke краткое содержание

Helen Waddell and Maude Clarke - описание и краткое содержание, автор FitzGerald Jennifer (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

As women's university participation expanded rapidly in the first decade of the twentieth century, two close friends at Queen's University Belfast nursed scholarly ambitions. Helen Waddell, budding feminist literary critic, and Maude Clarke, future Irish historian, were to become famous medievalists. Waddell's progress was stymied by her stepmother's insistence on family duty and by academic misogyny; Clarke's father, in contrast, helped to clear her way. This joint biography intertwines the story of their friendship with their modern education, their shifting research interests and the obstacles and opportunities that faced them as women seeking academic careers. It traces Waddell's evolution into an independent scholar, creative writer and translator of medieval Latin, and Clarke's career as an influential Oxford don, training a generation of high-achieving women academics. The book also reproduces the surviving chapters of Helen Waddell's 'Woman in the Drama before Shakespeare' (1912-1919), an example of early feminist literary criticism, and Maude Clarke's searching, self-reflective 'Historiographical Notes' (c.1930).

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Helen Waddell and Maude Clarke - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор FitzGerald Jennifer (EN)

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