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INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM GROUPS - описание и краткое содержание, автор AL CHAICHIAN M ET (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

In the past decade there has been an extemely rapid growth in the interest and development of quantum group theory.This book provides students and researchers with a practical introduction to the principal ideas of quantum groups theory and its applications to quantum mechanical and modern field theory problems. It begins with a review of, and introduction to, the mathematical aspects of quantum deformation of classical groups, Lie algebras and related objects (algebras of functions on spaces, differential and integral calculi). In the subsequent chapters the richness of mathematical structure and power of the quantum deformation methods and non-commutative geometry is illustrated on the different examples starting from the simplest quantum mechanical system — harmonic oscillator and ending with actual problems of modern field theory, such as the attempts to construct lattice-like regularization consistent with space–time Poincaré symmetry and to incorporate Higgs fields in the general geometrical frame of gauge theories. Graduate students and researchers studying the problems of quantum field theory, particle physics and mathematical aspects of quantum symmetries will find the book of interest.Contents:Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Group Theory and Non-Commutative Geometry:Hopf Algebra and Poisson Structure of Classical Lie Groups and AlgebrasQuantum Matrix GroupsElements of Quantum Group Representationsq-Deformation of Harmonic Oscillators, Quantum Symmetry and All That:q-Deformation of Single Harmonic Oscillatorq-Oscillators and Representations of QUEAQuantum Symmetries and q-Deformed Algebras in Physical Systemsq-Deformation of Space-Time Symmetries:Multidimensional Jackson Calculus and Particle on Two-Dimensional Quantum SpaceTwisted Poincaré Group and Geometry of q-Deformed Minkowski SpaceElements of General Theory of q-Inhomogeneous Groups and Classification of q-Poincaré Groups and q-Minkowski SpacesNon-Commutative Geometry and Internal Symmetries of Field Theoretical Models:Non-Commutative Geometry of Yang–Mills–Higgs ModelsPosets, Discrete Differential Calculus and Connes-Lott-Like ModelsBasic Elements of Quantum Fibre Bundle Theoryand other papersReadership: Theoretical physicists, mathematical physicists and mathematicians.Key Features:Includes contributions from some of the best-known authors and young researchersProvides treatment of gender issues along with traditional topics

INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM GROUPS - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию (весь текст целиком)

INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM GROUPS - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор AL CHAICHIAN M ET (EN)

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