— Spatial Working Memory

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Spatial Working Memory
Язык книги: Английский
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Spatial working memory is the ability to remember the location in which something is perceived, and in addition, the ability to recall a series of visited locations. In this book, top researchers in the domain of spatial working memory review and discuss findings about the processes and memory structures which underlie the ability to store and use spatial information.The first part of the book provides an examination of the working memory system, looking at the behavioural and neural processes involved in working with (visuo-) spatial information and how these can constrain the hypotheses that are generated. It also addresses methodological questions, for example looking at how the use of the appropriate method can ensure that the observed data are as informative as possible about the underlying structures. The remaining chapters focus on specific problems to do with spatial working memory such as how the working memory system can handle individual differences in representing spatial interactions, how the visuospatial system can support and interact with the environment and the verbal system, and how understanding these systems can shed light on the development of particular skills in children with developmental disorders.With contributions from leading international figures in the field, this book is the first to address the topic of spatial working memory from a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives. As such, it will serve as an indispensible tool for students and researchers interested in working memory.

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