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Social Justice and Communication Scholarship explores the role of communication in framing and contributing to issues of social justice. This collection, a first on the subject of communication and social justice, investigates the theoretical and practical ways in which communication scholarship can enable inclusive and equitable communities within American society. It analyzes ways in which to construct communities that protect individual freedom while ensuring equality and dignity to everyone. In this unique anthology, Swartz brings together both senior scholars and junior colleagues to represent diverse applications of communication to issues of social justice. He supports partisan scholarship in order to revitalize intellectual activity and social commitment toward creating a progressive society. As a result; the volume serves the heuristic function of posing new research questions. In addition to its relevance within the field of communication, Social Justice and Communication Scholarship will be of interest in many of the humanities and social sciences, as research on the theme of social justice transcends disciplinary boundaries. The volume is particularly well suited for use in undergraduate and graduate courses in communication, rhetoric and composition, journalism, American studies, and cultural studies.
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