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Get the most from Nicholas Sparks' The Notebook with CliffsNotes—the original study guidesWhether you've read the novel countless times or are a newcomer to Nicholas Sparks' work, this book is the perfect study guide companion to The Notebook. You'll fall in love with the story of Noah and Allie in a new way through the valuable insight and trusted guidance of CliffsNotes.Inside, you'll get:An author interview and comments throughout by Nicholas SparksAuthor backgroundIntroduction to the novelList of charactersSummaries and commentariesCharacter analysesInsight on underlying themes and Sparks' style and languageCritical essaysDiscover more modern-day treasures and classic literature by visiting CliffsNotes.com.
CliffsNotes On Nicholas Sparks' The Notebook - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Wasowski Richard P. (EN)