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Can notions of 'the Rule of Law', 'Human Rights' and 'judicial process' as understood in the West be made to work in the Middle East and the rest of the Islamic world? Since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, much attention has been focused on an international standard on human rights applicable to all cultures. But is this standard observed by Middle Eastern and Islamic governments and enforced by their judiciaries? This book examines the predicament of the Muslim world. Are Islamic principles compatible with 'the Rule of Law' and 'Human Rights' as defined by the West?_x000D__x000D_In this country-by-country survey a range of distinguished scholars, practitioners and judges explore how the concepts of 'the Rule of Law' and 'Human Rights' are being debated and applied in the changing social and political climates of Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Rule of Law in the Middle East and the Islamic World, The - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор