Russell Alex (EN) — Drop the Worry Ball

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Drop the Worry Ball
Язык книги: Английский
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Drop the Worry Ball краткое содержание

Drop the Worry Ball - описание и краткое содержание, автор Russell Alex (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

How to avoid being a helicopter parent--and raise well adjusted, truly independent children In an age of entitlement, where most kids think they deserve the best of everything, most parents are afraid of failing their children. Not only are they all too willing to provide every material comfort, they've also become overly involved in their children's lives, becoming meddlesome managers, rather than sympathetic advocates. In Drop the Worry Ball, authors Alex Russell and Tim Falconer offer a refreshing approach to raising well-adjusted children--who are also independent and unafraid to make mistakes.In this practical sensible book, parents will truly understand the dynamics between parents and their children, especially the tendency of children to recruit their parents to do too much for them. The book also counsels that failing--whether it's a test, a course, or a tryout for a team--is a natural part of growing up, and not a sign of parental incompetence.Shows how to resist the pressure to become over involved in your child's lifeHow to retire as a gatekeeper or manager of your child's life, and become a genuine source of supportBuild trusting relationships with teachers, coaches, camp counselors, and other authority figures--so they can play an effective role in your child's lifeUnderstand problems such as ADHD, anxiety, and substance abuseA guidebook for parenting courageously and responsibly--allowing your kids to be who they are while building structures that keep them safe--Drop the Worry Ball is a must for any parent who wishes to be and do their very best.

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Drop the Worry Ball - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Russell Alex (EN)

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