Trapani Marina (EN) — Belly Fat Free: Lose Belly Fat with the Blood Type Diet and Other Dieting Recipes

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Belly Fat Free: Lose Belly Fat with the Blood Type Diet and Other Dieting Recipes
Язык книги: Английский
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Belly Fat Free: Lose Belly Fat with the Blood Type Diet and Other Dieting Recipes краткое содержание

Belly Fat Free: Lose Belly Fat with the Blood Type Diet and Other Dieting Recipes - описание и краткое содержание, автор Trapani Marina (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

Belly Fat Free: Lose Belly Fat with the Blood Type Diet and Other Dieting Recipes The Belly Fat Free Diet book features two diet plans that help to lose belly fat, the Blood Type Diet and the "low diets" plan - featuring low fat, low carbohydrate, muscle building, vegetarian, and Paleolithic diets. If the goal is to lose belly fat, then eating certain foods that help to increase metabolism will work towards this goal. Couple these diets with a good exercise routine and watch the fat and weight melt off with persistence and patience. Combine the recipes within the diet plans to give you a good variety and a couple of weeks worth of menu planning. The first section of the book covers the Blood Type Diet plan covering these categories: Blood Type Diet, What the Opposition Says about Blood Type Diets, Blood Types, Blood Type O Diet, Blood Type A Diet, Blood Type B Diet, Blood Type AB Diet, Blood Type Recipes with Blood Type O Recipes, Blood Type A Recipes, Blood Type B Recipes, and Blood Type AB Recipes. A sampling of the recipes includes: Basmati Rice, Coffee Cake, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Potato Chips, Italian Chicken Breasts, Potato Salad, and Spinach Dip with Artichokes. The second section of the book covers the "low" diet plans with these categories: Low Fat Recipes: The Basic Weight Loss Recipes, Low Carbohydrate Recipes: Somewhat Misunderstood but Very Helpful for Weight Loss, Muscle Building Recipes to Boost the Metabolism, Fish Recipes to Lose Weight, Raw Food Diet Recipes for the Daring, Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes for Weight Loss, Paleolithic Diet Recipes: Turning Back the Clock...A Lot, Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss, Desserts for the Diet Conscious, and a Five Day Sample Meal Plan. A sampling of the recipes includes Chocolate and Raspberry Pudding, Oats and Raspberry Natural Pancakes, and Vanilla Blueberry Omelet.

Belly Fat Free: Lose Belly Fat with the Blood Type Diet and Other Dieting Recipes - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию (весь текст целиком)

Belly Fat Free: Lose Belly Fat with the Blood Type Diet and Other Dieting Recipes - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Trapani Marina (EN)

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