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The study of epigenetics, or how heritable changes in gene expression are regulated without modifying the coding DNA sequence, has become an increasingly important field of study in recent years. Rapid developments in our understanding of the way in which gene function is modulated by the environment has revolutionized the way we think about human development and health. Nutrition in Epigenetics reviews the latest research looking at the interaction between genes and nutrients and the role they play together in maintaining human health.Nutrition in Epigenetics is divided into two primary parts. The first part provides key principles such as epigenetic mechanisms, developmental epigenetics, and the role of epigenetics in disease. The second part looks specifically at the application of epigenetics to the field of human nutrition. Chapters review the role of specific nutrients in modulating epigenetic status and the effect on health and disease.Nutrition in Epigenetics is an indispensable resource for researchers, professionals and advanced students with an interest in human nutrition, epigenetics, and biomedical research.
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