Langley-Evans Simon (EN) — Nutrition: A Lifespan Approach

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Nutrition: A Lifespan Approach
Язык книги: Английский
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Nutrition: A Lifespan Approach - описание и краткое содержание, автор Langley-Evans Simon (EN), читать бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки Lib-King.Ru.

Traditionally, nutrition textbooks have divided human nutrition into basic science, public health and clinical nutrition, however in this exciting new textbook, Professor Simon Langley-Evans spans these divisions, bringing together the full range of disciplines into one accessible book through the lifespan approach. Taking the reader through how the body s demand for nutrients continues to change across the many stages of life, such an approach allows full consideration of how diet relates to health, wellbeing and disease and provides an excellent vehicle to illustrate the key concepts in nutrition science. Carefully structured with the student s needs in mind, each chapter includes: Learning objectives Research highlights, clearly displayed in boxes Suggested further reading Summary boxes Brief self-assessment tests Additional resources are published on the book s website: Nutrition: A Lifespan Approach will provide the undergraduate student of nutrition with an excellent learning resource. The book will also be a valuable tool for those studying areas such as human biology, health studies and sports science, where an understanding of human nutrition is required. Professionals working in nutrition, dietetics and related health sciences will also find much of value within this book. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where nutrition, dietetics, health and medical sciences are studied and taught should have copies of this book available on their shelves.

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Nutrition: A Lifespan Approach - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Langley-Evans Simon (EN)

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