— Communication Technology and Social Change

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Communication Technology and Social Change
Язык книги: Английский
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Communication Technology and Social Change is a distinctive collection that provides current theoretical, empirical, and legal analyses for a broader understanding of the dynamic influences of communication technology on social change. With a distinguished panel of contributors, the volume presents a systematic discussion of the role communication technology plays in shaping social, political, and economic influences in society within specific domains and settings. Its integrated focus expands and complements the scope of existing literature on this subject. Each chapter is organized around a specific structure, covering:*Background—offering an introduction of relevant communication technology that outlines its technical capabilities, diffusion, and uses; *Theory—featuring a discussion of relevant theories used to study the social impacts of the communication technology in question; *Empirical Findings—providing an analysis of recent academic and relevant practical work that explains the impact of the communication technology on social change; and*Social Change Implications—proposing a summary of the real world implications for social change that stems from synthesizing the relevant theories and empirical findings presented throughout the book. Communication Technology and Social Change will serve scholars, researchers, upper-division undergraduate students, and graduate students examining the relationship between communication and technology and its implications for society.

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