— Children and Exercise XXVIII

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Children and Exercise XXVIII
Язык книги: Английский
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Children and Exercise XXVIII presents the latest scientific research into paediatric exercise physiology, endocrinology, kinanthropometry, growth and maturation, and youth sport. Including contributions from a wide-range of leading international experts, the book is arranged into seven thematic sections addressing:Cardiovascular responses to exerciseGenetics, metabolism and physical activityLimiting factors of muscle exerciseRespiratory responses to exerciseEpidemiology in physical activity and obesityPhysical activity and nutritionMetabolic disorders and exerciseOffering critical reviews of current topics and reports of current and on-going research in paediatric health and exercise science, this is a key text for all researchers, teachers, health professionals and students with an interest in paediatric sport and exercise science, sports medicine and physical education.

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