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The newest edition of the bestselling book on educational leadership This expanded and thoroughly updated edition of the popular anthology contains the articles, book excerpts, and seminal reports that define and drive the field of educational leadership today. Filled with critical insights from bestselling authors, education research, and expert practitioners, this comprehensive volume features six primary areas of concern: The Principles of Leadership; Moral and Trustworthy Leadership; Culture and Change; Leadership for Learning; Diversity and Leadership; The Future of Leadership. Offers a practical guide for timeless and current thinking on educational leadership Includes works by Peter Senge and Tom Sergiovanni From Jossey-Bass publishers, a noted leader in the fields of education and leadership This important resource includes relevant and up-to-date articles for leaders today on gender, diversity, global perspectives, standards/testing, e-learning/technology, and community organizing.
Jossey-Bass Reader on Educational Leadership - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор